Royal Green Marble

Royal Green Marble 

About Royal Green Marble

Royal Green Marble is one of the very good Green Marble 
 from Indian Green Marble Quarries. This is a dark green marble which comes with small white spots and lines over the Green Background. We are supplying this Green Marble to more then 20 countries and this is very famous Green Marble. We are supplying Blocks, Random Slabs and other cut to size material in this stone. If you are looking for a dark green marble and you have a small budget for this, IGE is the perfect solution for your needs. This Green Marble also takes very good polish and very useful for flooring , wall cladding and other applications.. .

Royal Green Marble Slabs

Big Gang saw

Length : 240 cm & up
Width    :130 cm & up

Small Slabs
Length : 180 cm & up
Width   : 65 cm & up


Royal Green Marble is available in all sizes and thickness, Following Dimensions and available in ready stock :

Dimension Available in Dark Royal Green Marble - RB Green Marble


  • Random Slabs 2 cm
  • Random Slabs 3 cm
  • 610 x 305 x 10 MM Tiles
  • 305 x 305 x 10 MM Tiles
  • 60 x 40 x 2 cm Tiles
  • 60 x 40 x 3 cm Tiles
  • 60 x 60 x 2 cm Tiles
  • 60 x 60 x 3 cm Tiles

Chemical Properties of Royal Green Marble 


Technical Information  Value
  Water absorption , % by weight 0.07
  Density ( Bulk specific gravity ) 2.66
Modulus of rupture, N/ mm2 Dry  42
Wet 35
Compressive Strength N/ mm2 Dry  286
Wet 194
Abrasion ( Resistance to wear )  Average wear, mm 1.1
 Max.wear on individual Specimen mm 1.2
  Flexure strength  N/ mm2 35