Empress Green Marble

Empress Green Marble 

About  Empress Green Marble

 Empress Green Marble is also known as Spider Green Marble and our product code is Empress Green Marble. This is a very Dark Green Marble with thin white veins. These veins looks like net in the Green Background. This is a very strong Green Marble but some time it needs netting on the backside. We are one of the premium Exporter of Srg Green Marble, Empress Green Marble and Spider Green Marble...

Empress Green Marble

Big Gang saw

Length : 240 cm & up
Width    :130 cm & up

Small Slabs
Length : 180 cm & up
Width   : 65 cm & up


Empress Green Marble is available in all sizes and thickness, Following Dimensions and available in ready stock : 
Dimension Available in Spider Green  Marble  - SRJ  Green Marble
  • Random Slabs 2 cm
  • Random Slabs 3 cm
  • 610 x 305 x 10 MM Tiles
  • 305 x 305 x 10 MM Tiles
  • 60 x 40 x 2 cm Tiles
  • 60 x 40 x 3 cm Tiles
  • 60 x 60 x 2 cm Tiles
  • 60 x 60 x 3 cm Tiles

Chemical Properties of Empress Green Marble


Technical Information  Value
  Water absorpption , % by weight 0.06
  Density ( Bulk specific gravity ) 2.65
Modulus of rupture, N/ mm2 Dry  33
Wet 28
Compressive Strength N/ mm2 Dry  299
Wet 159
Abrasion ( Resistance to wear )  Average wear, mm 1
 Max.wear on individual Speciman mm 1.1
  Flexur strenght  N/ mm2 28